Thursday, August 16, 2012

august 2012

august is half over already! crazy how fast this summer has gone.. jared has been busy working around the house and yard. here is a "before" picture of the outside of our house.. 

 and after! new window, porch painted, deck stained,  and bark instead of rocks (after much weeding) now i just need the flower boxes with pretty flowers:) nice work jared!

helping daddy cut tree branches

here comes javan with his chain saw!!

javan's new favorite bath time activity.."painting". it is just shaving cream mixed with food coloring. he loves it! and the nice thing is, he is already in the bathtub so it's easy to clean up:)

our little artist

here is our "big boy". jared converted his crib into a toddler bed this week. he LOVES that he can get in and out all by himself. he has done great not getting out in the night. here is his new sleeping bag that we got him for camping, he wanted it in his bed at nap time :)

check out those curls after bath time! 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Josiah is 9 months old!! (well.. tomorrow) i can't believe it. he is soo much fun! he has a little personality now. he loves to laugh and smile, especially at his brother. he has been crawling for about a month now and recently started to pull himself up to a standing position and has even conquered a few stairs.. (yikes!) he currently has 4 teeth with 4 more about to come through. he loves to eat (no surprise in this family) his favorites are bananas, carrots, cheerios.. pretty much anything we give him.  we have been going to the pool quite a bit too this summer. josiah LOVES the water! we just have to lather on the sunscreen due to his very fair skin:) he is still sleeping about 12 hours most nights and 2-3 naps during the day. i have not had is official appointment yet so i have no idea how much he weighs.. but i know it is A LOT. (he can wear some of javan's clothes already) he is super tall too for his age. we love him SO SO much!! he is growing up way too fast.

our blue-eyed boy

javan at 9 months.. i don't think they look alike at all!

so happy:)

and of course javan...

cousin's weekend

so last weekend ALL of the cousins on jared's side of the family were together! it was so fun to see everyone.
watergun fight with grandma and grandpa!

daddy making water balloons

yes, even grandma went on the slip-n-slide

somehow i stayed dry...

playing in the sprinkler 

bubbles and sidewalk chalk

taking a break to eat

sweet mia playing in the sandbox

javan, leo, oliver

justus and ethan

big boys in the baby crib:)

mia playing with tools...sorry, no girl toys in this house:)

all 8 grandkids together for the first time..javan, leo, oliver, ethan, justus, mia, josiah, and max!

swinging with daddy

captain america?? can i admit i have no idea what that is

movie night. javan stayed up until almost 10!! super late for him since he usually is in bed at 7

grandpa, javan, justus, ethan, and callie